04.2011 | Virtual Hard Drive View
This project is too old to provide any downloads, but i keep the project page for historical archiving :).
VDV was a tool to virtualize all kinds of drives into a virtual file. You can browse the content, delete folders and files, or mark them as favourites. All these actions only change the virtual content, and not the content on your Hard-Drive.
It was written in (C# (Sharp Develop)) but due to the need of Multi-Plattfom use, i ported it to Java. Its a bit slower in processing now, but works fine. Alltough i had some hard times in Java with the tree elements, but i could rewrite the component to my needs.
<b>Current features</b>
- "AES 256 rijndael" encryption of vdv database
- Search of files and folders in (exact match/contains match, case sensitive or case insensitive)
- Loading and saving data as "vdv" files.
- Adding of Drives in endless count (depends on your memory)
- Browsing the files/folders in a graphical way, folder/file seperation trough tree and listview.
- Search function that directly link to the Treeview browser
- Renaming functionality of the root drives
- Windows XP
- Windows 7
- Ubuntu